Posted by Leonard Steinberg of URBAN COMPASS on September 2014

Is the world becoming desperate for a headline? It appears so. Joan Rivers always joked that launching a big career required some sort of porno tape…..she was insistent that her daughter Melissa was just being difficult by not doing so and could have had as big a career as Kim Kardashian had she done so.  A lady became super-famous for notoriously suing McDonalds for serving coffee that was too hot for MILLIONS!

In real estate land along came the $100 million listing: while most in the industry viewed this as a painful attempt to grab headlines, the reality was it DID grab headlines and the press took the bait hook, line and sinker. This became a HUGE headline amongst the media, including the esteemed New York Times. This was soon followed by the MILLION DOLLAR MAIDS ROOM……and now we hear of the MILLION DOLLAR PARKING SPACE that you don’t own but simply lease for 99 years….thats roughly $ 10,101/year which is I guess a bit cheaper than some very expensive parking spaces in Manhattan.

I watched the NATIONAL news the other day, and the only stories that were run were those that had some gimmicky imagery attached to it. Some ‘headlines’ were simply stupid. I guess stupid is winning? Our times will be remembered for these gross displays of desperation. Some sensational headlines and prices are truly legitimate and justifiable, but others should be called out for what they are: stupid.