Posted by Leonard Steinberg on May 15th, 2012

I am involved with contractual negotiations on a daily basis, even though in New York real estate contracts are handled by lawyers. In most real estate contracts, certain obligations have to be met by both sides, and failing to do so has consequences. Maybe its time for this type of Contract with America, as opposed to the BS political pandering and promises that seemingly have no consequences except for the (slight) possibility of being voted out of office……think Charlie Rangel.

The Right says we should cut taxes and decrease spending:  why not draft a contract that does these things…..but this time do so with specific consequences?  What if the Right are actually correct on this front and lowering taxes and cutting spending is indeed the solution to our huge deficits, unemployment and slow growth? Why not agree to a 2 year contract/window of opportunity whereby corporate taxes and income taxes are lowered and spending is cut……then, if after 2 years, the economic growth, unemployment figures and deficit do not improve by mutually acceptable, pre-negotiated numbers, those who received the tax breaks have to pay back all their tax savings….with interest. Just like most contracts?

Similar contracts could also be drafted whereby any corporation that hires outside of the USA instead of inside the USA loses all its tax breaks automatically?

Maybe gay marriages should indeed be banned if the American family starts to disintegrate because of gay marriage……although surely that disintegration started many decades ago without the assistance of gay marriage?

Why is it that all of us have to live by contractual obligations but politicians do not? Its time for us to rectify a broken system, and maybe if everyone had to put their money where their mouths are, we could start to resolve the bigger issues?